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Spiritual Benefits of Gold and Copper

In ancient times, jewelry was worn not only for adornment, physical beauty and social status but also for its spiritual and healing benefits. In ancient Egypt gold or nub (Medu Neter – Egyptian language) was considered of divine nature and associated with the sun. Gold as well as copper has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which […]

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Spiral Twisted Gold Armlets from Memphis, Egypt

Pictured above is a pair of spirally twisted gold armlets with one duck-head terminal preserved and is said to be from Memphis, Egypt and is likely dated around 100-200 A.D. Memphis was once a capital of Egypt and houses the great temple of Ptah, god of creation. The city’s original name in Medu Neter (Egyptian […]

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Second Largest Diamond – 1,111 Carats was Found in Botswana

The second largest diamond ever found was discovered in Botswana last week. The diamond is 1,111 carats and its dimensions are 65 mm x 56 mm x 40 mm. It was mined by Vancouver-based company, Lucara Diamond Corp. It is the largest diamond ever found in Botswana. The only other diamond ever found that is […]

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Jennifer Hudson, Kerry Washington and Janelle Monae Likely Have Fulani Ancestry

Jennifer Hudson, Kerry Washington and Janelle Monae all have distinct Fulani features…long noses, a particular lip shape and fullness as well as long faces. As a Fulani woman I recognize that these beautiful ladies are very likely descendants of the Fulani tribe. I see my aunt in Jennifer Hudson, my cousin in Janelle Monae and […]

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We Loved the VA Natural Beauty Mega Expo!

Fulaba had a wonderful time at the Virginia Natural Beauty Mega Expo this weekend in Richmond, VA. Shouts out to the beautiful Lorna Kelley who pulled off a flawless event! We met some beautiful natural sisters who absolutely loved our handmade pieces. We also learned a lot about natural hair care and the science behind […]

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More Jewelry from Princess Sithathoryunet, Egypt’s 12th Dynasty

We love the jewelry collection of Princess Sithathoryunet of Egypt’s 12th Dynasty! Pictured (from top to bottom) are a broad bracelet, lion bracelet and an anklet all made of gold, carnelian and turquoise. The bar of the broad bracelet contains the name of Amenemhat III, one of the Pharaohs who ruled during the 12th dynasty. […]

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Necklace with Pectoral – Princess Sithathoryunet

This necklace with pectoral from Princess Sithathoryunet, 12th Dynasty Egypt is made from gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, turquoise, feldspar and garnet. The beauty of this necklace lies in its intricate meaning. The two falcons have sun disks on their heads, which in turn have royal cobras with their tails holding ankhs (representing life). The cobras’ […]

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Congrats to Our Fulaba Fulani Earring Giveaway Winner – Taundra!

Last month Fulaba did its first giveaway offering a free pair of gold dipped Fulani earrings to the best pic representing African queendom. There were a lot of beautiful entries but in the end we had to select Taundra whose look reminded us of warrior African Queen Nzinga of the Ndongo and Matamba kingdoms (present […]

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Princess Sithathoryunet’s Bracelet and Anklet – Egypt, 12th Dynasty

Princess Sithathoryunet, daughter of Khakeperre Senruset II, the 4th Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty who ruled over Egypt from 1897 to 1878 B.C. had lots of jewelry in her tomb including the above pictured lion bracelet and claw anklet. The bracelet and anklet are dated around 1887-1813 B.C. during the reigns of Senwosret II and […]

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New Products Debuted at AFROPUNK Festival Now Available Online!

Fulaba was proud to debut new arrivals at AFROPUNK Festival over the weekend – silver Fulani earrings (regular and small sizes), silver and gold dipped Fulani bracelets and small gold dipped Fulani earrings. We had a great time at AFROPUNK and had lots of positive energy and feedback! Please continue to support us so we […]

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